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Scherstab Wägezelle Tedea 3410

The Model 3410 is a low proile shear beam load cell
designed for high accuracy platform scales, pallet scales
and process weighing applications.
It has high immunity to shock or side loading and is
available in 2 or 3 mV/V sensitivity. Approved to OIML
and NTEP standards. For hazardous environments
this load cell is available with EEx ia IIC T6 level of
European approval.
Nickel plating and full environmental sealing assures
long-term reliability. A stainless steel option is available for
the lb versions for use in harsh or corrosive environments.
The two additional sense wires feed back the voltage
reaching the load cell. Complete compensation of
changes in lead resistance, due to temperature change
and/or cable extension, is achieved by feeding this
voltage into the appropriate electronics.